
1. Setup workspace

  • If you happen to use Debian Linux (KDE), which is my wife’s least hated linux distro, you may use “MyWorkspace” to configure the entire workspace.

  • If you use other Unix/Linux systems, you may use “git_ssh” to connect to GitHub with SSH, and “alt_rm” to replace the default rm just in case.

2. Install Quarto

3. Create a new GitHub repository

  • Enter the repository name, keep the default initializing settings, then click “Create repository”:

  • After creating the repository, you will see the following (copy the SSH link, you will need it in the next step):

4. Download the Quarto template

  • In a desired directory, clone the Quarto template repository:
git clone https://github.com/chenh19/Quarto.git
  • Rename the repository as you like (replace the “<Project>” with your project name):
mv Quarto <Project> && cd <Project> && rm -rf .git && git init
  • Connect this local repository with your GitHub remote repository (replace the “<user>/<repository.git>” with your SSH link):
git remote add origin git@github.com:<user>/<repository.git>

5. Modify it as you like

  • Modify the _quarto.yml file for your website:

  • Make your .Rmd/.qmd/.ipynb notes:

  • Render the new .Rmd/.qmd/.ipynb notes:
quarto render analysis

6. Upload the website to your GitHub repository

  • Add, commit, and push to your GitHub:
git add --all && git commit -a -m "update" && git push -u origin main

7. Enable GibHub Pages and edit repository details

  • Go to the “Settings” tab on your repository, go to “Pages” and in the “Branch” setting, select “main” and “/docs”, then click “Save”:

  • On your repository page, click the gear in the top right:

  • Enter the website link for your convenience (the default link is https://<user>.github.io/<repository>/), and click “Save changes”:

8. Done!

  • Congratulations, you have made a website!